In the history of medicines, numerous countries have put their participation with money and effort. The development of medical therapies with proper effectiveness is always a high priority for all countries. Among several research, one of them was to reduce the extra food intake. Extra food intake may cause several diseases. To decrease the intake level of food and extra fats, the compound Endocannabinoid or EC is playing the main role like Nicotinamide Riboside Chloride (NR). N-acylethanolamine or commonly known as NEA is the component of EC which helps to reduce the food intake.
NEA is stimulating the ligand which is mainly responsible for inhibiting the process is named as cannabinoid Receptor 1. The whole mechanism of intaking food is depending upon energy level and appetite drive. So it targets the inhibitor and receptor simultaneously to make changes in energy balance and to influence the adiposity. More during the research work, it has been clear that CB1 is also affected by the factor AEA. AEA is a component of NEA.
The main difference is in structure due to the presence of OEA in AEA. This is also known as OEA or Oleoylethanolamide. This OEA has some differences from AEA though. AEA is always attracted CB1 to make the bondage with it and also reduces all blockages from it. At this condition, AEA will work. But in the case of OEA, there is no affinity is present for the CB1. So it doesn’t make any bondage with the receptor and works freely. It hits the systemic administration to prevent more intakes of food.
This OEA generates at the small intestine of mammals. But all human beings don’t possess it or maybe the cell is inactive to produce it. So the artificial OEA is made. Before applying it on direct to the Human beings, those are tested on mice. In a laboratory in Italy, the first test had been placed. A nice was taken in humidity and temperature controlled isolated room. Before applying for the medicine the weight of the mice was measured. After applying the OEA on it, the lights had been off till the next morning. The weight of the mice was measured again and it found that the weight was decreased a little bit.
After the experiment of releasing OEA which you can get at, other factors like oxytocin and dopamine release were also tested. These tests were done on KO mice. The results were very surprising. The factors which are associated with the generation of OEA, affects the cells of food intake affinity are also successful for human beings. So while applying OEA externally, it will increase the power of several hormones that will resist food intake.
After that experiment Council Directive of the European Community finally announced and approved this medicine for use. It was taken under the veteran council and still now helping a lot of people to reduce fat indirectly.